- 2Setup
- 3Payment Request Button
- 3.1Apple Pay
- 5Payment Workflow
- 6Migrating to Stripe
- 7Troubleshooting
- 7.1Remote Transaction Failure. Please Contact Support
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To connect your applications to Blackbaud solutions, create a SKY Developer account. Jump start your SKY Developer journey with our step-by-step guide. Learn about the SKY API endpoints and access the interactive SKY API Console through your browser. To get keys for authenticating API requests, manage your SKY applications. Get Your API Key. To use the API, you must generate the API key required for authenticating API calls. Then, when you use this API key in your request, you can either provide the URL encoded API key in the request URL, or use the custom X-PAN-KEY: key parameter to add the key as a name-value pair in the HTTP header.
Supported Features
Type | One Time | Recurring | Refunds | 3D Secure |
Token | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Remote Update Card | Remote Delete Card |
Yes | Yes |
The WHMCS Stripe payment gateway uses Stripe's tokenised storage system. As a result, credit card information is submitted to and stored remotely by Stripe. Using a tokenised gateway is recommended for security and reduced liability.
To configure Stripe:
- Go to Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways.
- In All Payment Gateways, choose Stripe.
- Customize the Display Name. We recommend setting this to Credit Card.
- Go to the Stripe portal and retrieve the publishable and secret API keys. Stripe uses API keys for authentication.
- In WHMCS, enter the Stripe Publishable API Key and Stripe Secret API Key.
- Optionally, customize the Statement Descriptor Suffix with a maximum of 22 characters.
- In WHMCS 8.0 and later, leave the Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret and Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret (Test/Sandbox) empty. WHMCS auto-generates these.
- Optionally, check Allow Payment Request Buttons.
- Click Save Changes.
Stripe is now active and ready for use.
Transaction Fees
Stripe returns transaction fees in the default currency of the Stripe account. If you have a different default currency in WHMCS, you must ensure you have configured the currency of your Stripe account in Configuration () > System Settings > Currencies or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Currencies. This must include a valid exchange rate to allow WHMCS to be able to convert the fee into your other currencies.
The Stripe payment gateway module is not compatible with the Modern or Boxes order form templates.
WebHook Endpoints
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Stripe's WebHook Endpoints update WHMCS automatically with changes to your customers' cards. In WHMCS 8.0 and later, when you click Save Changes, WHMCS will use the Stripe Publishable API Key and Stripe Secret API Key to generate the Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret and Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret (Test/Sandbox).
- If you enter live API keys (sk_live), WHMCS will generate the Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret.
- If you enter test API keys (sk_test), WHMCS will generate the Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret (Test/Sandbox).
WHMCS registers the WebHook Endpoints to deliver these events from Stripe:
- customer.source.updated
- customer.card.updated
- payment_method.updated
To change the WebHook ID, empty Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret and Stripe WebHook Endpoint Secret (Test/Sandbox) and click Save Changes. WHMCS will auto-generate them again with new values.
Payment Request Button
Enabling this option within the module configuration provides customers with a platform specific payment request button such as Apple Pay. For customers who don’t use Apple Pay, the Payment Request button supports browser-saved cards, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay.
Apple Pay
When enabled, Apple Pay allows access to payment details that users have stored in their Wallet. If they're using Safari on their iPhone or iPad, when they tap 'Buy with Apple Pay' on your site, they'll be shown a modal payment sheet. If they're using Safari on their Mac, and have an iOS device in range, they'll be prompted on their device to authorize the payment, which will then be sent to the browser.
Enabling Apple Pay
To use Apple Pay with a live Stripe API key, it is required to register with Apple all of your web domains that will be showing an Apple Pay button. This includes both top-level domains (e.g. whmcs.com) and subdomains (e.g. shop.whmcs.com).
- Download this domain association file and host it at /.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association on your site. For example, if you're registering https://example.com, make that file available at https://example.com/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association.
- Next, tell Stripe to register the domain with Apple. This is done by going to the Apple Pay tab in the Account Settings of Stripe Dashboard
Google Pay
Google Pay allows customers to make payments using any credit or debit card saved to their Google Account, including ones from Google Play, YouTube, Chrome, or an Android device.
Microsoft Pay
Microsoft Pay allows customers to make payments using any credit or debit card saved to their Microsoft Account.
Stripe ACH and Stripe SEPA are payment gateways that allow bank payments in the US and the Euro Zone respectively.
Per Stripe requirements, ACH is currently supported only for Stripe businesses based in the U.S. and only in USD.
Stripe users in Europe and the United States can accept SEPA Direct Debit payments from customers in countries within the Single Euro Payments Area (EUR only).
Payment Workflow
- Automated recurring and on-demand billing is supported.
- When making a payment, customers are able to select to use a previously stored card or enter a new one.
- Customers can update their credit card at any time from the client area.
- Admin level users with the necessary permissions can also perform card updates from the admin area.
- Customers never leave your WHMCS installation during checkout or updating their card.
- Personal card information is submitted directly to Stripe and is never stored in your local WHMCS installation.
- The Stripe API is used for refunds and obtaining transaction information.
In WHMCS 7.8 and later, WHMCS uses the Stripe Elements implementation method. When performing checkout, if customer authorisation is required, the user will be automatically prompted via modal to approve the payment. This process is also commonly referred to as 3D Secure. Use of 3D Secure depends on the card type and issuer.
Recurring Payments
Automated recurring payments are performed using stored tokens. If a client card requires SCA, the payment attempt will be denied and the client will be required to login to WHMCS to manually process the payment.
Payment Gateway Balances
In WHMCS 8.2 and later, you can view payment gateway balances directly within the WHMCS Admin Area, with native support for Stripe balances. At Billing > Transactions, you can view balances in the transaction list and in the transaction details for individual transactions. For more information, see Payment Gateway Balances and Transactions.
This requires that you enable the View Gateway Balances permission for the desired administrator role at Configuration > System Settings > Administrator Roles.
Admin Area Dashboard Widget
In the Admin Area Dashboard, you can view your Stripe balances through the Stripe Balance widget. However, this widget does not use the WHMCSModuleGatewayBalance and WHMCSModuleGatewayBalanceCollection classes to display balances. For more information, see Stripe Balance Widget.
Migrating to Stripe
The Stripe payment gateway module supports migrating credit card details stored locally within WHMCS to Stripe's tokenized storage. This allows for a seamless transition from another non-tokenized merchant gateway provider to Stripe.
For an existing client with a credit card stored locally, the first time a payment capture is automatically attempted for an invoice using Stripe using a locally stored credit card, the credit card details will be submitted to Stripe and a token created and stored. The previously locally stored card details will be removed.
To migrate to Stripe and ensure all future credit card processing is done using it, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways.
- Ensure the Stripe module has been activated
- Select the Deactivate link for your previous merchant gateway provider
- When prompted to choose a replacement gateway to switch users of the previous gateway module to, select Stripe
- Click OK to complete the process
Migrating from a 3rd Party Stripe Module
The Official WHMCS Stripe module uses the Stripe 'cus_' reference to capture payments - e.g. cus_9MvIb7UlgJfJTn. For any 3rd party module which also uses this reference, the official module can replace it.
To verify if your current Stripe module uses the 'cus_' reference, navigate to a client you know to have an active Stripe token and click the Credit Card Information link on the Client Summary page. Verify the token listed there has the 'cus_' prefix.
To convert to the Official Stripe module:
- Activate the module as described above,
- Deactivate your previous Stripe module,
- When prompted select the official Stripe module to update and switch existing customers to,
- Remove all files and template customisations (if applicable) required by the 3rd party module.
The following are some common issues and their suggested solutions.
Remote Transaction Failure. Please Contact Support
There are a number of causes for this. This issue may also present itself as simply 'Error' being displayed.
Payment Blocked By Stripe
The payment may be blocked by a rule within your Stripe account. Please log in to your Stripe Dashboard and proceed to Developers > Logs. Locate the log entries captured at the time the payment was attempted. The details of the log will show if the payment was blocked (for instance, with an error such as The zip code you supplied failed validation). Your Stripe rules can then be adjusted directly within your Stripe account as required. Please contact Stripe support for any assistance needed with adjusting your rules.
It may also present itself as 'No Stripe Details Found for Update' in the Gateway Log.
This issue can occur due to interference from a third party Stripe module. Using the official Stripe module requires the full uninstallation and removal of any custom or third party Stripe integrations. This includes removal of all files and any template modifications. Known modifications that can trigger this error include:
- A hook file present in /includes/hooks/stripe.php. This file should be removed when switching to the Official Stripe module.
- Template customisations present in your active order form template files.
- The payment method is set to a module other than Stripe. There are two solutions:
- Change the client's Payment Method setting to the Stripe module. This is done under the client's Profile tab.
- Make Stripe the system default payment gateway. This done by using the green arrows at Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways > Manage Existing Gateways or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways > Manage Existing Gateways to move Stripe to the top of the page.
Out Of Date Template Files
The error may also be caused by out of date template files. Please ensure your client theme and order form templates are fully compatible with the version of WHMCS you are running. With each version of WHMCS the release notes provide links to template changes.
Network Analyser Tool
Another method to diagnose this error is to use your browser's network analyser tool. Please see the section Another Error Type in this help article. Whilst the article is for another issue, it describes how to use your browser's network analyser tool to help identify underlying errors.
No Stripe Customer Details Found
This error will be logged in the debug data section of the Billing > Gateway Log. It means that the client in quesiton does not have a Pay Method in WHMCS to make a payment charge via Stripe. You can confirm this by looking at the Pay Methods section of the client's Summary tab.
To resolve, invite the client to login to the client area, navigate to the unpaid invoice and click 'Pay Now' to make a payment via Stripe. This will then create a Pay Method to be used for future automatic payments.
'You must provide a value for 'cvc'
If you see this logged under Billing > Gateway Log for a failed payment attempted by the admin or the cron job, this generally means the customer is in an European country or has an European billing address, and Stripe's API requires they make at least one manual payment to get added to their system. Having them pay an Unpaid invoice via the client area should resolve this. This functionality of their API is documented at https://stripe.com/docs/api?lang=python#create_card_token (click the 'show child parameters' link to see it).
It shows the following when you do so:
usually required
Card security code. Highly recommended to always include this value, but it's only required for accounts based in European countries.
Once the customer has made a manual payment as described above, they will be added to Stripe and any future attempts (either automatic or manual) should work as expected.
Network error [errno 35]: Unsupported SSL protocol version
Seeing this 'Unexpected error communicating with Stripe' error in the Gateway Log indicates a server configuration issue. The server is attempting a secure connection to Stripe using an outdated SSL protocol. As this is no longer secure, most providers now require connections be made using the newer TLS protocol instead: Stripe TLS Documentation.
To resolve this issue, work with a server admin or hosting provider to ensure that remote cURL connections are made using the TLS protocol by default, rather than the outdated SSL protocol.Updating the OpenSSL version may also be required.
You passed an empty string for 'statement_descriptor'
This error is caused by an empty Statement Descriptor field in the payment gateway configuration. Please ensure a value is entered into the field in the gateway configuration - it cannot be left empty.
Bad Request
This error may appear in the Client Area when attempting to pay for an invoice or order using an existing stored payment method. It indicates that the customer or the token in WHMCS do not exist in Stripe. To ensure that the pay method is correctly stored in Stripe, delete the stored payment method from the Admin Area via the client's profile's Summary tab (which may display a more-informative error to administrators). Then, add the payment method again.
Customised or outdated system themes or order form templates can also cause this error. To troubleshoot this:
- Go to Configuration () > System Settings > General Settings and select the General tab.
- Select Six or Twenty-One for System Theme.
- Go to the Ordering tab.
- Select a Default Order Form Template.
- Click Save Changes.
- Return to the client area and refresh the page.
Client Area System Themes
We introduced Twenty-One in WHMCS 8.1. We plan to remove Six in a future version.
An unexpected error - No Stripe Payment Method found from token
This error indicates that some of the required data is not being transmitted to Stripe. This is usually due to outdated order form templates. Please test using the Twenty-One or Six system themes and the Standard Cart order form template.
Client Area System Themes
We introduced Twenty-One in WHMCS 8.1. We plan to remove Six in a future version.
This can also be caused by a JavaScript error from custom code (template changes, hooks, addons, etc.) preventing the standard Stripe JavaScript from running correctly. Your browser console will show if a JavaScript error is occurring and, if so, the custom JavaScript will need to be corrected. If the JavaScript error is coming from a third party customisation, please contact the developer for assistance.
Please contact our support team if the issue persists.
Error Updating Remote Pay Method: Remote Storage Failed
A more informative reasoning for this error should be found in the Gateway Log at Billing > Gateway Log and will likely be self explanatory or covered by other errors featured in this troubleshooting section.
Stripe India Accounts
For Indian based Stripe accounts, the following additional conditions are required for a successful payment capture:
- Clients Address/Billing Contact must be a valid Indian postal address
- Payment card must be issued by an Indian bank
- Invoice must use INR currency
WHMCS can automatically and transparently convert invoice totals into other currencies upon payment:
- Navigate to Setup > Payments > Currencies
Add INR as an additional currency (if you haven't already)
- Navigate to Configuration () > System Settings > Payment Gateways > Manage Existing Gateways or, prior to WHMCS 8.0, Setup > Payments > Payment Gateways > Manage Existing Gateways.
- Set the 'Convert To For Processing' option on the Stripe gateway to INR.
More information on using the Convert to For Processing feature can be found here.
Further information on the additional Stripe requirements for Indian Stripe accounts can be found here:https://support.stripe.com/questions/requirements-for-india-export-charges
-->Cognitive Search uses API keys as its primary authentication methodology. For inbound requests to the search services, such as requests that create or query an index, API keys are the only authentication option you have. A few outbound request scenarios, particularly those involving indexers, can use Azure Active Directory identities and roles.
API keys are generated when the service created. Passing a valid API key on the request is considered proof that the request is from an authorized client. There are two kinds of keys. Admin keys convey write permissions on the service and also grant rights to query system information. Query keys convey read permissions and can be used by apps to query a specific index.
Authorization for data plane operations using Azure role-based access control (RBAC) is now in preview. You can use this preview capability to supplement or replace API keys with Azure roles for Search.
Using API keys in search
When connecting to a search service, all requests must include an API key that was generated specifically for your service.
In REST solutions, the API key is typically specified in a request header
In .NET solutions, a key is often specified as a configuration setting and then passed as an AzureKeyCredential
You can view and manage API keys in the Azure portal, or through PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.
What is an API key?
An API key is a unique string composed of randomly generated numbers and letters that are passed on every request to the search service. The service will accept the request, if both the request itself and the key are valid.
Two types of keys are used to access your search service: admin (read-write) and query (read-only).
Key | Description | Limits |
Admin | Grants full rights to all operations, including the ability to manage the service, create and delete indexes, indexers, and data sources. Two admin keys, referred to as primary and secondary keys in the portal, are generated when the service is created and can be individually regenerated on demand. Having two keys allows you to roll over one key while using the second key for continued access to the service. Admin keys are only specified in HTTP request headers. You cannot place an admin API key in a URL. | Maximum of 2 per service |
Query | Grants read-only access to indexes and documents, and are typically distributed to client applications that issue search requests. Query keys are created on demand. Query keys can be specified in an HTTP request header for search, suggestion, or lookup operation. Alternatively, you can pass a query key as a parameter on a URL. Depending on how your client application formulates the request, it might be easier to pass the key as a query parameter: GET /indexes/hotels/docs?search=*&$orderby=lastRenovationDate desc&api-version=2020-06-30&api-key=[query key] | 50 per service |
Visually, there is no distinction between an admin key or query key. Both keys are strings composed of 32 randomly generated alpha-numeric characters. If you lose track of what type of key is specified in your application, you can check the key values in the portal.
It's considered a poor security practice to pass sensitive data such as an api-key
in the request URI. For this reason, Azure Cognitive Search only accepts a query key as an api-key
in the query string, and you should avoid doing so unless the contents of your index should be publicly available. As a general rule, we recommend passing your api-key
as a request header.
Find existing keys
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You can obtain access keys in the portal or through PowerShell, Azure CLI, or REST API.
Sign in to the Azure portal.
List the search services for your subscription.
Select the service and on the Overview page, click Settings >Keys to view admin and query keys.
Create query keys
Query keys are used for read-only access to documents within an index for operations targeting a documents collection. Search, filter, and suggestion queries are all operations that take a query key. Any read-only operation that returns system data or object definitions, such as an index definition or indexer status, requires an admin key.
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Restricting access and operations in client apps is essential to safeguarding the search assets on your service. Always use a query key rather than an admin key for any query originating from a client app.
Sign in to the Azure portal.
List the search services for your subscription.
Select the service and on the Overview page, click Settings >Keys.
Click Manage query keys.
Use the query key already generated for your service, or create up to 50 new query keys. The default query key is not named, but additional query keys can be named for manageability.
A code example showing query key usage can be found in DotNetHowTo.
Regenerate admin keys
Two admin keys are created for each service so that you can rotate a primary key, using the secondary key for business continuity.
- In the Settings >Keys page, copy the secondary key.
- For all applications, update the API key settings to use the secondary key.
- Regenerate the primary key.
- Update all applications to use the new primary key.
If you inadvertently regenerate both keys at the same time, all client requests using those keys will fail with HTTP 403 Forbidden. However, content is not deleted and you are not locked out permanently.
You can still access the service through the portal or programmatically. Management functions are operative through a subscription ID not a service API key, and thus still available even if your API keys are not.
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After you create new keys via portal or management layer, access is restored to your content (indexes, indexers, data sources, synonym maps) once you have the new keys and provide those keys on requests.
Secure API keys
Role assignments determine who can read and manage keys. Members of the following roles can view and regenerate keys: Owner, Contributor, Search Service Contributors. The Reader role does not have access to API keys.
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Subscription administrators can view and regenerate all API keys. As a precaution, review role assignments to understand who has access to the admin keys.
- Navigate to your search service page in Azure portal.
- On the left navigation pane, select Access control (IAM), and then select the Role assignments tab.
- Set Scope to This resource to view role assignments for your service.