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English MMD | Mirror | 1.30Mb | |
Japanese MMD | Mirror | 0.75Mb | |
Mirror | 732Kb |
*MMD (Multi Model) Latest Versions:
Listelin added type=MODELMMD help=Scale Unknown help=Author Unknown author:MDJSN author:Shendiyu Female NSFW Official and removed help=Author Unknown help=Scale Unknown Official labels Jun 30, 2021 listelin added this to the Public Assets milestone Jun 30, 2021. Sex Dance R-18 MMD 作成者: StrawBerryAi 作成日:2017-07-29 05:09 Another R-18 (R18, Mature, NSFM) MMD sex dance music video from me, somehow the lyrics really synced with this one, Lots of ahegao faces, Anal sex and pussy sex in this video, hope you enjoy (グミ &a. Talk (13) This is the main category list for all MikuMikuDance models. The numbers next to the category name, means there is subcategory with in. The subcategory 'Terms and Conditions' separates the model based on the rules and guidelines set by the model creator. Please remember the original creator's right, do not edit or redistribute MMD. MikuMikuDance is a free 3D animation software developed as a promotional element for fans of the Sony/Sega Vocaloid product. Featuring a high-style Japanese feel, MikuMikuDance has caught-on around the globe with tens of thousands of users and millions of MMD videos uploaded world-wide. The MMD program was introduced in Japan.
VPVP Wiki [English] [Japanese]
If you want to find out which version is current, check this page. It seems new versions are coming out really frequently now, but in some cases if you didn't know a new one had been out and they'd moved ahead 3 versions it's good because they tend to have fixed alot of bugs ^___^