- With the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB), DDBST GmbH provides the worldwide largest factual data bank for thermophysical properties of pure components and their mixtures. A powerful software package for the data handling, correlation, property estimation and process synthesis turns our products into most valuable tools for chemical and process.
- DDBSP – Dortmund Data Bank Software Package 2018 1 Introduction This document describes the main program for searching and using experimental data from the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB). The Dortmund Data Bank is actually not a single database but contains over a dozen different data banks for different data types. The data banks are.
- 1 Dortmund Data Bank (DDB) DDB Software Package (DDBSP) Practical Application of Distillation Synthesis for NOx Reduction, Energy Cost Savings, & Improved. Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 free download. software here. High accuracy correlations for hundreds of fluids based on data of the Dortmund Data Bank. The package exhibits more than.
- The course features an introduction to the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB) and the DDB software package with special focus on the verification of physical property packages and the generation of missing parameters either by regression to experimental data or the responsible and careful application of estimation methods (UNIFAC, mod. UNIFAC, PSRK, ).
With the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB), DDBST GmbH provides the worldwide largest factual data bank for thermophysical properties of pure components and their mixtures. A powerful software package for the data handling, correlation, property estimation and process synthesis turns our products into most valuable tools for chemical and process engineers, for industrial chemists and many other specialists working in the gas, oil and chemical processing, pharmaceutical and food production, in environmental industry, in plant design by engineering companies and also for institutions dealing with hazardous materials like the fire brigade, transport companies or the technical supervisory associations. It helps to design better process simulations, to create better processes, and finally build better plants.
Dortmund Data Bank Software Package Download
Dortmund Data Bank (DDB) Status, Accessibility and Future Plans. DDBST also supplies a software package for data handling, retrieval, correlation, estimation,.
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Dortmund Data Bank Software Package
DDB Access Package: Data Storage, Retrieval, Plotting and Export
This essential component of the Dortmund Data Bank provides data storage, data input editors, retrieval, graphical representation, import/export for all data banks including complete data directory and demo versions of all non-licensed data banks.
DDB Access Package includes the full set of programs except:
- pure component property regression
- predictive methods
- process synthesis tools
Other parts are included as restricted versions only:
- mixture data simultaneous regression Recval (superlight version with ideal and Margules models)
- pure component property estimation Artist (free version with several simple estimation methods)
It allows to build up in-house literature and experimental property databases as all software tools used at DDBST for input and data test are included. Private data banks can be used from any number of computers as long as these have access to a valid software license. Access to the data can be restricted to individual users and groups.
Major parts of the DDB Access Package are described below:
Dortmund Data Bank
The program Dortmund Data Bank allows to search for experimental data for specific mixtures or literature references. If the Predictive Methods Add-On is available, data can also be loaded from model predictions.
Instead of selecting the components from the DDB, process simulation files (Aspen Plus, ProII) can be selected and the component lists are automatically imported. The database query is entered into the following dialog:
These include:
- storage and retrieval of data to/from data files
- export to 3rd party software like Excel or process simulation software (via IK-CAPE-ppdx, Aspen inp format)
- 2- and 3-dimensional data visualization
- data output in form of tables
- ...
Dortmund Data Bank Software Package Free Download
Data Editors for Pure Component and Mixture Data
Convenient data editors are available for pure component and mixture data as well as for supporting basic data. The following dialog shows the data entry program for mixture data:
Literature Data Bank LEAR
The literature data bank software LEAR specifically developed at DDBST. Besides many other features it allows to easily link individual references to multiple files (e.g. pdf, xls, ...). LEAR can handle any number of data bank files. The following figures show a typical query result and the dialog for an individual reference:
Parameter Data Bank ParamDB
A multi purpose parameter data bank (ParamDB) is delivered with the DDB Access Package. ParamDB can hold all kinds of single value or model parameter sets and contains export filters for process simulation software. As with other data bank files, a public and private data bank is used to separately store data sets of DDBST and customers. The following dialog shows a typical data set:
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