How do I set up 128-Bit WEP Wireless Security on a Cisco Small Business VoIP Router?
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For a 128-bit hex key, we generate 12 words (11x12=132 bits). Here are a few examples: EB33 F77E E73D 4053 gives “TIDE ITCH SLOW REIN RULE MOT” (see RFC1751 ). Aes 128 Bit Key Generator Free; Aes 128 Bit Key Generator Manual; Generate 256 Bit Key; Key generator This page generates a wide range of encryption keys based on a pass phrase. Passphrase: aes-128-cbc: aes-128-cfb: aes-128-cfb1: aes-128-cfb8. When the key is changed the prefix of sha1(key) function is automatically filled in the IV field.
This article is one in a series to assist in the setup, troubleshooting, and maintenance of Cisco Small Business products.
Q. How do I set up 128-Bit WEP Wireless Security on a Cisco Small Business VoIP Router?
A.Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a 64-bit key with 10 hexadecimal digits or a 128-bit WEP key with 26 hexadecimal digits. This encryption will prevent other users from connecting to a wireless network using your own WEP key. It will also protect your wireless transmissions/communications from being accessed or received by other users.
In order to set up WEP Wireless Security on your Cisco Small Business router, complete these steps:
Set up the VoIP Router to Use WEP
Step 1:
Access the router's web-based setup page. For instructions, click here.
Step 2:
When the router's web-based setup page appears, click Wireless > Wireless Security.
Step 3:
Look for SecurityMode, and select WEP.
Step 4:
Select any number under the Default Transmit Key in order to determine which key you will use. In this example, we selected number 1.
Step 5:
Look for WEP Encryption, and select 128 bits 26 hex digits.
Step 6:
Type a wireless network password of your choice, such as 'MySecretKey' and click Generate.
Note: Create a password that is unique for your network and is a combination of numbers and letters up to 16 characters.
Step 7:
The result is a string of random characters. Copy the resulting string, since this will be the key to your wireless network.
Note: Do not give this key to anyone. This will be your wireless network's key.
Step 8:
Click .
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Edit Settings
Generate 128 Bit Hexadecimal Keyword
Random String Generator
Generate 128 Bit Hexadecimal Key
A random alphanumeric string works well as a password, but our password generator will include special characters and be much more secure. There's also a random letter generator that you may prefer.
Hash Generator
Generate 128 Bit Hexadecimal Keyboard
For random MD5 strings, set the base to 16 (hexadecimal) and the length to 32 characters. For random SHA-1 hash strings, set the base to 16 (hexadecimal) and the length to 40 characters. For a 128 bit WEP network password, use 16 (hexadecimal) and the length to 13 characters. For a WPA 16, use 16 (hexadecimal) and the length to 64 characters.